Friday, February 16, 2007

Enjoy Time, or Waste It

Rereading an old journal recently, I came across another quote that had a big impact on me at the time. The journal is dated 1967, and the quote is attributed to Vernon Howard, but I did not record what book I found it in. The quote reads: "If we have not enjoyed the last hour, we have wasted it."

Over time my understanding of that quote has changed as my experience has changed me. And I have grown to appreciate the wisdom of that statement even more.

When I first read this statement, I took it to mean if I was not enjoying what I was doing, I needed to change what I was doing. And that led to a lot of changes in terms of jobs, where I lived, who was a part of my life, what I did in my free time. But I never reached a point where I could change enough things in my environment to enjoy every hour.

Over the course of many years, I came to understand that what needed to change was not my world, but me. And that has made all the difference.

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